
[회화의 틀]You are awesome!!!
이원희 / 2019-08-16 20:19:33

    How super great all the lectures you did are!!!

    I'am deeply impressed by all especially '회화의 틀'  from which I've learned a lot.

    Don' hesitate to sign up everyone who may see my comment on the lectures.

    It will definitely save your money and time spending on studying English.

    Well I'm in my fifties I'm sure that you can improve English much better than me through QL ENGLISH



  • (success)
    • 관리자 [2019-08-19 10:33:39]
    • It's amazing for you to finish the lecture in less than three days.
      I'm also surprised at the incredible progress you have made in learing English.
      Thank you so much for leaving behind a favorable review.
      Thank you again